About Us
Welcome to 24Hr Training Solutions, Ireland’s premier Training Solutions Company.
We are a dedicated, reliable and highly skilled team, offering a wide range of training to all sectors including home, sporting, leisure and business. We come to you with an excellent reputation in customer focused training services, that addresses the current demands of safety training in the modern environment.
A sister company to 24Hr Care Services, who have a long history of providing Healthcare staff to the Healthcare industry, we have now diverged to meet the growing requirements of modern businesses for safety related staff education and training. Training is tailored to meet the specific requirements of our customer base and is delivered by our highly motivated, multi skilled team, who’s background boasts an impressive forty years combined experience in the field of Emergency care, ensuring that you the customer, benefit from their extensive experience and knowledge.
Training is delivered locally or nationally through a range of modern techniques, with an emphasis on student participation as its core objective. This we believe enhances the learning experience for the student, meeting their training expectations and ensuring student competence in the respective course objectives.
Company Information
Directors: Denise Cooley (Managing Director), David Cooley